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×Información¿Necesita ayuda con Windows 11?
Vea información sobre compatibilidad, actualización y soluciones para problemas conocidos de HP y Microsoft, clicando aquí
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- My PC is dead or so I think
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My PC is dead or so I think
el 16-03-2020 12:17 AM
Well it all started on a Thursday, I was playing some videos to my usb, everything normal and correct that day and I turned off the normal pc, as anyone would, the next day, I wanted to play for a while, and when I connected the pc and turned it on, The screen was black, the keyboard and mouse were not recognized by the PC, I do not know how it was damaged, if the day before it was working normally, I tried the trick of the rubber and the battery of the bios but nothing at all, I do not know If the motherboard is dead, that's what I think, I ask that if you know of the problem, give me a solution, I love that PC, I do not want to lose it overnight.
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My PC is dead or so I think
el 17-03-2020 07:34 AM
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