Estimado @Dieba
Si es compatible ese procesador, la lista es la siguiente :
Intel® Core™ 2 Quad Intel Core i7 Processors
Intel Core i7-840QM processor with 1.86 GHz, SC turbo up to 3.2 GHz, Quad 45 W
Intel Core i7-820QM processor with 1.73 GHz, SC turbo up to 3.06GHz, Quad 45 W
Intel Core i7-740QM processor with 1.73 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.93 GHz, Quad 45 W
Intel Core i7-720QM processor with 1.6 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.8 GHz, Quad 45 W
Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Core i5 Processors
Intel Core i5-580M processor with 2.66 GHz, SC turbo up to 3.33 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Core i5-560M processor with 2.66 GHz, SC turbo up to 3.33 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Core i5-540M processor with 2.53 GHz, SC turbo up to 3.06 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Core i5-520M processor with 2.4 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.93 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Core i5-480M processor with 2.66 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.93 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Core i5-460M processor with 2.53 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.8 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Core i5-450M processor with 2.4 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.66 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Core i5-430M processor with 2.26 GHz, SC turbo up to 2.53 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Core i3 Processors
Intel Core i3-390M processor with 2.66 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Core i3-380M processor with 2.53 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Core i3-370M processor with 2.4 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Core i3-350M processor with 2.26 GHz, Dual 35 W
Intel Pentium P6 Processors
Intel Pentium P6300 processor with 2.26 GHz
Intel Pentium P6200 processor with 2.13 GHz
Intel Pentium P6100 processor with 2.00 GHz
Intel Pentium P6000 processor with 1.86 GHz
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